Stories & Articles
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Cruising on a Croatian Crusade
In August 2005 I went on holiday to Eastern Europe with a group of friends where we stayed for only a few days in several cities including Prague, Budapest, Cologne and Istanbul. The main leg of our journey through European took us to beautiful Croatia - there we hired a yaught and cruised for 7 days from Split all the way down the Adriatic Sea to Dubrovnik stopping each day at one of Croatia's 1,185 secluded islands along the way to relax. This was one gem of a holiday that will stick in my mind for a long time - all of us definately want to go back to Croatia again in the future....the only thing we found annoying was the food - after a while we got a bit sick of pizzas, you can't get away from it...its everywhere for breakfast, lunch & dinner!!

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