Stories & Articles
Saturday, September 02, 2006
True Footy Colours
If someone asked me about the 'AFL' four years ago I would've given them a spiel about the Minnesota Vikings or Greenbay Packers. I learnt about these teams whilst living in Minnesota back in 1995 for a year and, although I don't know much, I picked up enough to understand most of the rules and know that the sport bears a significant part of American culture. I went to a few games over there and actually enjoyed the games I watched... its especially enjoyable with a mega sized hot dog in one hand and a bucket sized coke in the other hand which lasted me the entire game!!

So when Sally asked me four years ago whether I had watched an AFL game I started to explain how I went to a few games and decribed to her the complex strategies and rules, as well as the various combinations of mega hot dogs you could have.

"No, no, no..." she said, "Australian Football League....not American." It was at that point that I realised she meant Australian Football, not American.

I did happen to watch some highlights a few times in England which was televised at about 1am or 2am in the morning...but at this early hour I would normally be too intoxicated to even follow the TV set around let alone a ball the size of a pea being kicked around at all angles. So I'm not sure whether it was the alcohol or simply my ignorance that influenced my opinion in thinking that this Aussie game made absolutely no sense whatsoever. For a start they play on an oval ground... the players seem to be running around like headless chickens without any direction or purpose...and besides, the game is so microcosmic and only played in Australia that it couldn't possibly be that good.

I was lucky not to sustain any physical injuries after sharing these views with Sally (she's a very passionate supporter and will defend it with her life), but unfortunately I had to endure a punishment much worse than that. For years I had to put up with a barage of non-stop yapping about a game she obviously loved but to which I had no knowledge or interest in. She went on about it so much that I knew all the rules before I even got to watch a game!! Once she brainwashed me with more than I could possibly want to know about the game, she quickly moved onto her favorite topic, her team - the Western Bulldogs.

The Western Bulldogs...the team of red, white and blue...or, aply referred to as 'the doggies.' They are one of 16 teams competing in a 22 round home and away season for the 'Premiership' Cup. At the end of the season the top 8 teams progress to the finals where they play-off in elimination rounds until there is one team left standing...capiche? Well, in the entire history of the competition dating back to the late 1800's the Western Bulldogs have only managed to win this trophy once back in 1954 (well before I was born). In short, this is not a very successful football club. This left me in no doubt as to why Sally talked about them as much as she did before I left England to move to Australia. Obviously they were struggling for supporters and someone, anyone, had to barrack for this desperate team...not surprisingly my suspicions were right on the money!!

The problem is that I really had no choice in the matter, before I even had the chance to select which team to support, I was greeted at Melbourne airport by Sally with a Western Bulldogs membership card first...followed by the kiss and hug!! So that was it, my destiny sealed on a sinking ship with no more life boats to save me...

I guess there was just one thing for it...get busy living, or get busy dieing. So on a warm winter's evening in 2002 (Melbourne stays around 15 degrees celcius in comparison to back home, this was barely enough to even bring out goosebumps) we packed our bread rolls and headed to my first AFL game. As I was watching the game, with running commentary from Sally, she told me about an incident that happened in 1997 that changed my whole perspective on this football club and my feelings towards it. The star player for the Western Bulldogs and a superstar of the game at the time, was offered a lucrative deal to change clubs. The package was substantially better than what a poor struggling club like the Bulldogs could match. His decision to go was virtually signed and sealed. That is, it was, until a 5 year old girl approached him and offered him her enitre pocket money of about $5 begging him to remain at the club...he decided to stay. He currently still plays for the Bulldogs and recently broke the record of most games played for the club at 323.

Its difficult not to admire someone who unselfishly sacrificed his own personal success and financial gain in favour of remianing loyal to a club and its supporters that needed him the most, but for little reward. If I didn't have goosebumps at the start of the game, this story certainly gave them to me! The gesture demonstrated to me how success can be defined in many ways and that its not necessarily what you achieve in life that matters, but how you achieve it. Its the character of a person and their ability to show loyalty, pride, passion and a resolve to fight on in the face of adversity which is just as important in measuring success in life as it is the actual outcome.

As a result of this story, I am now an adament supporter of the club and cheer them on every week with as much passion as Sally does. The Western Bulldogs can only dream of winning the premiership one day...but until that day comes, I'll continue to support the club and do my bit to keep that dream alive!
posted by Pretender at 1:08 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, September 01, 2006
Something Fishy About Horses
If anyone asked me if I was into horses, two thoughts would immediately cross my mind - either they have some kind of sadistic fetish towards horses and have a collection of tailor-made horse whips stashed away in their closet or alternatively, they're just mad about horses and get a kick out of watching them gallop around a track with a group of multi-coloured hobbits bouncing up and down frantically in a deperate bid to win a place on the podium so they can see what the view is like at a normal height. So my answer to the question of whether I'm into horses would have to be an emphatic 'no' both possibilities.

At least, those were my feelings about the subject of horses until this month when Sally and I decided to buy into a syndicate on a race horse. Before I wasn't very interested about horse racing - I had previously only been twice to the races...and once was back when I was 13 yrs old when I went to a local race track to bet all my pocket money on horses that either came last or died in the process of coming last. It was devastating watching them die in front of you, especially at that age...after all, $5 was a lot of money and went a long way in those days. So you could say that my enthusiasm for horses was somewhat lacking at the beginning... unless of course it was plastered on a pub sign.

Its still early days but Sally and I are slowly opening up to the world of horses and getting more emotionally attached now that we have a vested interest. All of a sudden we've discovered we actually now care about horses...a lot. This particular horse was recommended to us by a horse trainer who also happens to work with Sally. In all honesty, we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into - we're going in totally blind and have entrusted the advice given to us by a supposed expert who we believe knows what he's talking about when it comes to horses...basically he talks a lot of horse shit!

We knew we were onto a winner when the trainer described the horse along the lines of, "this one has a great behind" or "nice big head on this one" or "this one gives a good ride for your money"... I personally think the guy has been spending far too much of his time around horses! I didn't tell him that to his face of course, just incase he was carrying one of his leather whips...

For the horse whipping fanatics you'll be pleased to know that I have created a website dedicated to the progression of King Charlemagne and his rise to stardom...enjoy the ride, but please keep it clean. If you aren't into horses why not simply have a punt on him - you'll have lots of fun and at the end of day... your loss will be my gain!
posted by Pretender at 8:23 AM | Permalink | 0 comments